Our philosophy :)

Wagon-Landscaping, founded by two landscape-architects, François Vadepied and Mathieu Gontier, mainly works in France, Europe and Russia. Since 2010, team has been completed with Estelle Ollivier, Camille Bourgeois, Pierre David, Gilles Garreau, Margaux Girerd, Emma Colin, Madeleine Accarain.

The Wagon-Landscaping philosophy

Wagon-Landscaping philosophy keeps a gardener attitude in practicing and designing landscape to “keep right for experiment, observe and adapt”, to imagine places easy to use and maintain, pleasant to live in everyday life. Wagon Landscaping finds out and develops its projects concepts in practicing and gardening landscape, observing plants and natures dynamics. Projects impose restrictions on materials movement and limit energy consumption emphasizing recycling and ecological dynamics.

This way of doing landscape is shared by teaching in Landscape Architectural schools in France (in Versailles and Marseille) Italy and Russia.

The Wagon-Landscaping project approach

In Wagon Landscaping approach, building and gardening takes part from very beginning project conception; Jackhammer is on site as pencil is on paper… Approach method and design is an incessant way and back between studio and site, considering process as basement for project development.
Wagon-Landscaping develops fields related to contemporary landscape thematic as housing, public spaces, parks and gardens in urban and rural context. Way of doing is based on way and back from site to design and from design back to site, always finding the best way to evolve and adapt project to context. Sobriety and minimalism offer many opportunities to share experience, knowledge, way of doing opening project to evolve and adapt in an appropriated way for users: technical services, habitants, gardeners, schools, associations, reinsertion programs, etc.

Studio defends multi-skills approach within team, which help to answer a wide range subjects trying to not specialized and not apply already done project recipe. Through its multidisciplinary, Wagon Landscaping emphasize idea of unique case and adapted answer for each project situation, focussing on space quality and alive dynamics for human and non-human.

photo team wagon : Gabrielle Voinot